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Aesthetics add some meaning to impression
They'r stored in a subconsciousness like you and I
me I try to stick them into artworks
and you may wonder why...

Aesthetics illustrate the life of humans
they seek for independence just like you and I
me I try...

If you see blue it is not necessarily blue skys
If you see red, it is not always blood
Sometimes it's electronic dye on active screens
And you may find out what it means
It's up to you, aestheticize your mind...

Aesthetics transform soldiers into heroes
They think they get there orders just like you and I
but me I try...

1998 Mario Strack

     © universal arts - Nutzung bzw. Verbreitung nur im Rahmen unseres Lizenzmodells

     Mario Strack    Multimedia 2    Song bestellen   CD-Album "The Songs" bestellen