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We've been travelling for
A long time

Crossing borders under
The cloud of night

Became victims of our
Own crime

Than we thought we got it
But all we see is just an

Icescape, icy icescape
Are we light enough to fly
High above an

Icescape, icy icescape
Are we fresh enough to dive
Deep into an

Icescape, icy icescape
Are we cold enough to stay
Frozen in an icescape

We've been searching for
A home land
Resting our weary bones
In the warm sun

Visionary shores of
White sand

Now we reach out for it
But all we get is just an...

2011 Mario Strack

     © universal arts - Nutzung bzw. Verbreitung nur im Rahmen unseres Lizenzmodells

     Mario Strack    Multimedia 5    Song bestellen